En cuanto tuve todos los papeles en regla que acreditan mi residencia en Reino Unido, fui a hacerme el carnet de investigador de la British Library (Biblioteca Británica). Es un lugar mágico, con una cristalera que llega hasta el techo del hall, detrás de la que hay libros y libros y…
Book for adults
The book for adults «Desde la ventanilla» has been launched. Written by Mariano Fresnillo, and illustrated by me, this book takes us to the exciting, funny, emotional and moving adventures of a blind man that sells lotery in Spain. We hosted 2 launch events, the first one in CEU with…
… ¿Y si existiese una escuela donde la creatividad y la imaginación no tienen fin? Un lugar donde los libros y el arte son los protagonistas, donde la magia está presente en cada rincón, y donde los aprendices se enfrentan a misterios, y enigmas que deben resolver. Así, ha nacido Letrimagia, un…
Feria de Bolonia 2017
El pasado mes de abril estuve en la Feria Profesional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil de Bolonia. Un lugar único, donde se concentran más de mil editoriales de todos los rincones del mundo, autores, agentes e ilustradores. Allí se cocinan las novedades del mercado editorial. Pero también se aprende, se…
I am a TEDx Speaker
Last March 10th, I gave my first TEDx talk. It was an amazing experience and I would love to give another one some day in a near future. You can watch it in Spanish here (English translation will be available in a few months, sorry for that). Please post your…
Premio José Zorrilla – Don Juan Tenorio
Hoy he recogido el premio del VII certamen literario de relato breve 2017. El tema del relato debía ser en torno a mi paisano José Zorrilla, a quien admiro y respeto. Hace sólo un par de semanas estuvimos visitando su casa, la mesa donde él escribía, etc. Estoy muy orgullosa…
First Looks, first books
Last week I was interviewed by Carrie Karnes-Fannin. It was a great chat. We talk about my childhood, the books I used to read as a kid, and my work now. I loved chatting with Carrie. You can read the interview in her blog here. Hope you find some inspiration…
Pirates at school
I came back to my school a few years later. I was there on a «meet the author» workshop. I studied there for 13 years, and visiting the school again, brought thousands of memories to my mind. We had a very funny session with 3rd grade. We travelled to Japan,…
Did you find a BotJoy? How to activate and use it?
What would you like to do that you did not dare to do yet? #BotJoy are robots programmed to help. The world needs more Bots because for some reason (that frankly I don’t completely understand) they seem to help. How to use it: 1. Activate your robot taking a picture…