Stories that heal

Stories that heal

Stories that heal

Relatos Sanadores – Editorial Gotas de Luz

«The dreams breakers» is a story I wrote. A boy dreams about what he will be when he grows up. But apparently, no job is good enough for those around him.


I sent this story to the Literary contest organized by Publisher Gotas de Luz and… my story won and has been included in the «Stories that heal» book (only in Spanish yet, sorry!).

Diploma Maria Jesus Gotas de Luz 2017 Relatos Sanadores

Diploma Maria Jesus Gotas de Luz 2017 Relatos Sanadores

This book includes a lot of wonderful stories for children and teenagers (from 10 years old), and has the mision to heal a lot of them. This makes me really happy and excited.

If you want to get one, you can find it  here. The revenue from the book is being donated to the Foundation Puente Gotas de Luz for patients with Alzheimer and other mental diseases.

If you already have the book and have read my story, I would love to know your feelings. Just write down a comment or send me a line by email or social media.

Thank you to all of you that are already telling me about it.

Relatos Sanadores. Entrega premios. Editorial Gotas de Luz.   Relatos Sanadores. Entrega premios. Editorial Gotas de Luz.      Relatos Sanadores. Entrega premios. Editorial Gotas de Luz.

Relatos Sanadores - Editorial Gotas de Luz - Los rompedores de sueños - Maria J Cuesta

Relatos Sanadores – Editorial Gotas de Luz – Los rompedores de sueños – Maria J Cuesta

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