Create a book is a magic process, because at the beginning there is nothing, and then, you have a story and some images. – Maria J Cuesta *** *** ****** *** ****** *** *** Today when I woke up, I saw a kite flying free. It brought magic words that…
Travelling through time – SCBWI Conference
If somebody invites you to travel through time, would you accept? I answered yes, and so I got to the SCBWI (Society of children book writers and illustrators) conference, a congress that happens every November in Winchester. Winchester is a small village full of mysteries, houses made of Stone, magic…
The emotion of writing or writing with emotion
Cada mes, la asociación de escritores e ilustradores a la que pertenezco (SCBWI), organiza un encuentro. Este mes, nos reunimos “en corro”, como solemos llamar a estos encuentros con Mónica Rodríguez y Gonzalo Moure para hablar de la emoción y la escritura. Aquí os dejo mi crónica de esa tarde. …